David Gray Apps

David Gray Project #2
David Gray
REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT STRATEGYBuy a million dollars worth of real estate on borrowed money.Rent it to break even. If the inflation rate is 13%, as it was in1980 you just made a $130,000. Write off the interest and wait fornext year. Remember the borrowed money is not taxable until yousell the real estate.What if you could see the future? Well you can! If newconstructions costs are rising, it’s time to buy existing propertyto take advantage of the projected inflationary increase invalue.During INFLATION, buy equities.During DEFLATION, buy debt.There is some unusual arithmetic relating to purchasing a home.The notion that the value of the land added to the value of thehouse equals the value of the property is a FALLACY.In this analysis, we look at real estate as a capitalist. Mostconventional appraisal methodologies use a quasi-socialistapproach. A capitalist sees property value differently.In theory, the value of a stock is the discounted present valueof its accumulated dividends forever. We can look at real estate insimilar manner. Rent can be thought of as stock dividends. Forowner occupied property homeowner costs can substitute forrent.As capitalist, we are concerned with our return on capital. Theratio of rent/down payment is our return on capital.In 1970 the Federal Reserve had pushed interest rates to 10%.So, the rent house that rents for $1,000 per month,($10,000 peryear after insurance and taxes) is worth $100,000 to a capitalist.That is, 10% of $100,000 is $10,000 per year or $1000 per month. Inthe early 1990's the Federal Reserve pushed the intersect rate downto 5%. Now $1,000 per month, $10,000 per is 5% of $200,000. Thatrent house became worth $200,000. If the Federal Reserve pushes theinterest to 1% then $1,000 per month, $10,000 per is year is 1% of$1,000,000 and if the interest rate goes to 0, divide by 0 isundefined and capitalism fails.ON OUR GRAPHSClick on "% Down Payment" button. Each button produces a graph.The RED line is the YIELD, the return on capital after selling theproperty adjusted for taxes and inflation.The BLUE line is the return of CASH FLOW adjusted for taxes.The YIELD can also be thought of as interest rates and comparedto what you would earn in a savings account or otherinvestments.PERCENT DOWN PAYMENT GRAPHThis is the most relevant graph. The buy point is where the CASHFLOW (blue line) becomes negative (goes below the middle line).This is the optimal DOWN PAYMENT percent as seen on the X axis(bottom line) to break even. The YIELD is the corresponding pointon the RED line. As long as CASH FLOW is positive you can buy moreproperty forever.Always do worst case analysis. If you can stand the worst caseit's probably a good investment.INFLATIONIn 1980 the inflation rate was 13.91%.Historically, Inflation has been the driving force behind therise in property values. Real estate agents mistakenly call thisAPPRECIATION. When lumber, nails, labor, steel, glass and concrete,etc.. cost more. When new homes cost, for instance, 10% more, anexisting homes value will rise 10%, because it would cost more torebuild it. There is a time lag, but it will catch up. This is howinflation works.CAPITAL GAINS TAXFederal income tax rates can have a drastic effect on propertyvalues. In 2013 the CAPITAL GAINS rate is 15%, before that 20%, 28%and 35%, in Australia in 2012 it's 50%.Capital assets like a house are given preferential taxtreatment. In theory, CAPITAL GAINS should not be taxed, because inan ideal economy the only way a property can rise in value would bebecause of devaluation of the currency, called inflation and therise in value would be nothing more than an adjustment to maintainthe purchasing of the dollar.In 2012 the tax rate for a married couple with $88,000 ofCAPITAL GAINS and qualified dividends (which also get special taxtreatment) is $0.00.
Financial Calculator 2
David Gray
Getting a loan? Compute and manipulate thenumbers to your advantage.The interest rate here has a name, it's called the APR (annualpercentage rate), this reflects the real time value of money.Many reputable lenders cheat, they use a method, which prior to1940, was only used by loan sharks, called the rule of 78's.The rule of 78s is different way of calculating interest in eachpayment. This method is called front loading. Meaning you pay moreinterest at the beginning of the loan than the time value of moneywould require. Why is this a rip-off?Here is a thought experiment. If all the first payments areinterest and you payoff the loan early, you will pay the fullamount you borrowed plus interest that never accrued.Here is an example: You borrow 10,000 and your payment is $200.Normally based on the time value of money a part of each payment isinterest. At first a little over half the payment is interest ($100approx.) declining over 7 years of the loan to the last paymentwhere the interest component is $0. The reason that the interestcost declines is that as you make payments the amount borrowedbecomes less making the interest owed less.What if the beginning payments were all interest until all theinterest was paid after which you started paying off the amount youborrowed? At the end of 3 year you have paid off all the interestnow you can start paying of the loan. But what if you now paid offthe loan. You would have paid $6,800 interest plus the original$10,000 loan for a total of $16,800 instead of $4,000 interest(based on the time value of money) plus the original $10.000 or$14,000. You would have paid $2,000 extra.Now the rule of 78’s in not this extreme, but you get theidea.Mortgage lenders who make long-term loans (20-30 years) are moreup-front about it. The charge what are called points up-front,which is really just prepaid interest. Again if you pay off early,you paid too much. They count of this.When we get married we think it will be forever. For car andhouse loans people change their mind every 3 to 5 years. Formarriages it's a little longer. So avoid the rule of 78’s andup-front “points”. Ask for a amortizing loan based on the timevalue of money with 0 points.Double check what the lender tells you. What should the paymentbe vs. what they quote? What is wrong with their numbers? Let seewhat they are really doing. Enter the length of the loan, interestrate, and loan amount and compute what the payment should be. Putin their payment, press % to see what interest they are reallycharging you. This is powerful tool for manipulating the numbers toyour advantage.Buy a house.PV = 300,000% = 3.75N = 30 yearsPress Pmt - to see the required monthly payment.But what if you want a lower payment?Enter the new payment (Pmt)Press % - to see the required interestorPress N - to see the see the required yearsWhat if you want to make the payments yearly, press the"Monthly" button several times to get to "Yearly", the payment willrecalculate.The interest rate (%) and years on loan (N) are alwaysyearly/annual numbers.The Pmt is Yearly, Monthly etc. Depending on the setting.About the author: Having been a real estate broker for 40 years.I have seen all sorts of slimy lending practices. Armed with a toollike this is your best defense again getting robbed.
David Gray Project #9 1
David Gray
Birth Certificate DecoderUnited States birth certificate numbers contain hiddeninformation. The most obvious of which is the year of birth andState in which the birth occurred. These numbers are unique,meaning that each person has only one number even though theiridentity may change.This has interesting ramifications in the case of adoptions; theadopted child has two birth certificates each with differentinformation but the same number.An example of how this can be useful for obtaining the identityof for adoption search. Lookup up all the children born on acertain day in a location, consult the birth index for an unnamedchild born that day and in that location, match the numbers toreveal the identity of the birth mom.The reverse is actually easier and works for birth parentssearching for their lost child.For Texas I have organized this in my People Finder. Select TXand Search up all the kids born on May 10, 1967 in Travis County,there is unnamed child certificate called “inf-of certificate” atthe end. That birth certificate number will match one of the 15kids born that day. Use my nations wide search to find the presentday location each of the 15 until finding a match. (Actually clickon each name to age a cross-reference with 100 other databases.)Try it free at DavidGRAYsPeopleFinder.com .
David Gray Project #15
David Gray
Take the anxiety out of approaching theunfamiliar. You are going to a friend’s house. You think it’s theright address. Can’t read the number - not sure if it’s the righthouse! That’s where this helps. Select “Add New Contact”, theprogram locates the GPS coordinates on the planet and if you are infront of the house, that is close enough. With that information itobtains the identity and phone number of the occupants. Press thegreen telephone icon and call to say “Hello”.If you want to put in the address ahead of time, there is thatoption. Then use the map to get you there.Go visit every body, set the starting location; generate anoptimized (pert chart) map with directions to your recordedlocations -press Go.Great for Real Estate Agents, Law Enforcement, PoliticalCampaigns, any sort of door to door Sales Representative or justvisiting friends.BUTTONS· ADD NEW CONTACT button - create a new destination.· DELETE button – remove destination.· CRITICAL PATH button – rearranges to construct the shortestpath. If nothing is specified then from the beginning.· MAP: If nothing is selected, then navigate from thebeginning.If a destination is selected, navigate starting from there.Hold the MAP button - navigate from your current location.* Specify refers to clicking the check box on the left hand sideof the address.
Social Security # Decoder 1
David Gray
Social Security Number Decoder Social Security Numbers containhidden information; where it was issued and the year of issue.Generally in earlier times children received their social securitynumbers when they turned 16.
David Gray Project #10 1
David Gray
Credit Card ValidationFrom the card number it is possible to derive the issuer andwhether the card is valid.The following cards are covered:JCBVisaLaserMaestroDiscoverMaster CardDiners ClubInstaPaymentVisa ElectronAmerican ExpressDiners Club InternationalDiners Club - USA & CanadaNote: This is not necessarily the active status of the card.
Real Estate Investment 1
David Gray
REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT STRATEGYBuy a million dollars worth of real estate on borrowed money.Rent it to break even. If the inflation rate is 13%, as it was in1980 you just made a $130,000. Write off the interest and wait fornext year. Remember the borrowed money is not taxable until yousell the real estate.What if you could see the future? Well you can! If newconstructions costs are rising, it’s time to buy existing propertyto take advantage of the projected inflationary increase invalue.During INFLATION, buy equities.During DEFLATION, buy debt.There is some unusual arithmetic relating to purchasing a home.The notion that the value of the land added to the value of thehouse equals the value of the property is a FALLACY.In this analysis, we look at real estate as a capitalist. Mostconventional appraisal methodologies use a quasi-socialistapproach. A capitalist sees property value differently.In theory, the value of a stock is the discounted present valueof its accumulated dividends forever. We can look at real estate insimilar manner. Rent can be thought of as stock dividends. Forowner occupied property homeowner costs can substitute forrent.As capitalist, we are concerned with our return on capital. Theratio of rent/down payment is our return on capital.In 1970 the Federal Reserve had pushed interest rates to 10%.So, the rent house that rents for $1,000 per month,($10,000 peryear after insurance and taxes) is worth $100,000 to a capitalist.That is, 10% of $100,000 is $10,000 per year or $1000 per month. Inthe early 1990's the Federal Reserve pushed the intersect rate downto 5%. Now $1,000 per month, $10,000 per is 5% of $200,000. Thatrent house became worth $200,000. If the Federal Reserve pushes theinterest to 1% then $1,000 per month, $10,000 per is year is 1% of$1,000,000 and if the interest rate goes to 0, divide by 0 isundefined and capitalism fails.ON OUR GRAPHSClick on "% Down Payment" button. Each button produces a graph.The RED line is the YIELD, the return on capital after selling theproperty adjusted for taxes and inflation.The BLUE line is the return of CASH FLOW adjusted for taxes.The YIELD can also be thought of as interest rates and comparedto what you would earn in a savings account or otherinvestments.PERCENT DOWN PAYMENT GRAPHThis is the most relevant graph. The buy point is where the CASHFLOW (blue line) becomes negative (goes below the middle line).This is the optimal DOWN PAYMENT percent as seen on the X axis(bottom line) to break even. The YIELD is the corresponding pointon the RED line. As long as CASH FLOW is positive you can buy moreproperty forever.Always do worst case analysis. If you can stand the worst caseit's probably a good investment.INFLATIONIn 1980 the inflation rate was 13.91%.Historically, Inflation has been the driving force behind therise in property values. Real estate agents mistakenly call thisAPPRECIATION. When lumber, nails, labor, steel, glass and concrete,etc.. cost more. When new homes cost, for instance, 10% more, anexisting homes value will rise 10%, because it would cost more torebuild it. There is a time lag, but it will catch up. This is howinflation works.CAPITAL GAINS TAXFederal income tax rates can have a drastic effect on propertyvalues. In 2013 the CAPITAL GAINS rate is 15%, before that 20%, 28%and 35%, in Australia in 2012 it's 50%.Capital assets like a house are given preferential taxtreatment. In theory, CAPITAL GAINS should not be taxed, because inan ideal economy the only way a property can rise in value would bebecause of devaluation of the currency, called inflation and therise in value would be nothing more than an adjustment to maintainthe purchasing of the dollar.In 2012 the tax rate for a married couple with $88,000 ofCAPITAL GAINS and qualified dividends (which also get special taxtreatment) is $0.00.
Room Lighting Design
David Gray
By the time you reach 75 years old, you willneed four times as much light as a 20 year old, in order to seesatisfactorily.INCANDESCENT, full spectrum is the most desirable type oflight. It can be achieved with energy efficient “T” seriesFLUORESCENT bulbs with a high color rendering index (CRI)90-100.For bulb selection1. you need to know the dimensions of the room;2. how BRIGHT you want room lighted as measured in LUX;3. the COLOR of light in KELVIN;4. and the QUALITY of the light measured by the color rendering(CRI) index.5. select the appropriate bulb and note how many LUMENS of light itwill produce.Then calculate the number of florescent bulbs with the your CRIrating as necessary to accomplish the task and with powerconsumption in mind (WATTS), select the type of fixture.LUX (Lx) BRIGHTNESS IN LUXOne Lux - is one lumen per square meter.3.4 lux - twilight50 lux - living room80 lux - office hallway100 lux - overcast day350-500 lux - office lighting400 lux - sunrise1000 lux - overcast day10,000-25,000 - daylight32,000-130,000 - sunlightKELVIN (K) is the COLOR of the LIGHTcalled COLOR TEMPERATURE3000K – warm white4200K – cool white5000K - daylight2700 K - residential lighting (Incandescent light)3000-3500 K - neutral-white4100 K - cool-white in offices5000-6500 K - blueish-whiteCRI is the QUALITY of the lightcalled the COLOR RENDERING INDEXand is a measure of how well colors can be perceived.100 CRI - incandescent lamp50-100 CRI - fluorescent tubes82-100 CRI - natural color (full spectrum)POWER CONSUMPTIONas measured in Watts. Incandescent lights are full spectrum but areenergy hogs. Florescent lighting is more energy efficient.The high efficiency bulbs are labeled with “T” - T12, T8, T5etc..."T" is the diameter of the tube in the lamp. Typicallynarrower the lamp diameter the more efficient it will be.T12’s have not bee manufactured since 2012.Seniors - Printed materials are not as clear as before, in partbecause the lens in your eye becomes less flexible with time.Changes within the lens in your eye cause light entering the eye tobe scattered rather than focused precisely on the retina, thuscreating more glare. The normally clear lens located inside youreye may start to discolor making it harder to see and distinguishbetween certain shades of colors. The tear glands in your eyes willproduce fewer tears.Increasing the the amount of light, brightness called LUX canimprove vision.Bright Light Therapy - is used to gradually shift sleeping patternsto what we consider normal. For treatment, the timing of lightexposure uses a full-spectrum light (90-100 CRI) usually 10,000 LUXin intensity, for 30-90 minutes.Blue wavelengths -- boost attention, reaction times, and moodare about 5000 degrees Kelvin.As published in the The Journal of the American Medical Associationresearchers learned that bright light resulted in a modestimprovement in dementia symptoms. Specifically, the use of brightdaytime lighting:· Reduced cognitive decline on a mental status exam by a relative5%.· Cut depression symptoms by a relative 19%.· Calmed slow increases in functional limitations by slightly morethan half (53%).Dementia and Alzheimer's - For these people shadows in adarkened room can become something else, often menacing, and canlead to confusion and depression. A dark rug in a dimly lightedroom before a door may become a deep well.I installed 800 LUX of light – when I throw the light switch, Ifeel a burst of energy like I am waking up and my mind becomingclear.
Mental Age of Dementia Adults 1
David Gray
Persons with dementia regresses. In additionto loss of memory, motor, language and thinking skills they exhibitchild like behavior.If we can measure the adult child age, we can constructappropriate activities. The also gives us a hint as to time left.Five year olds go to kindergarten, and play with other kids theirown age.Often they live completely in the NOW. like in Buddhism beingone with the environment. But, living in fear with sense ofparanoia without awareness of time or location and everything isunfamiliar, even though they have been there many times before.They can't read, write or do arithmetic or even carry on anintelligent conversation. For a 2 year old we want to hug cuddlethem and have stupid disconnected conversations. A 4 year will berebellious want to assert independence. The child age gives a clueas to how to related them as we send them off into the sunset oflive.Note: In the case of Alzheimer's, as the brain becomes filledwith plaque bodily functions decline. We also see this in cancerpatients with Glioma brain tumors having a similar effect.Check the relevant checkboxes. There are over 200 observationsto select from. Press Compute to calculate their child age. This isuseful to segregate patients into age groups. Much like we do withchildren.
Financial Calculator - Lite
David Gray
Getting a loan? Compute and manipulate thenumbers to your advantage.The interest rate here has a name, it's called the APR (annualpercentage rate), this reflects the real time value of money.Many reputable lenders cheat, they use a method, which prior to1940, was only used by loan sharks, called the rule of 78's.The rule of 78s is different way of calculating interest in eachpayment. This method is called front loading. Meaning you pay moreinterest at the beginning of the loan than the time value of moneywould require. Why is this a rip-off?Here is a thought experiment. If all the first payments areinterest and you payoff the loan early, you will pay the fullamount you borrowed plus interest that never accrued.Here is an example: You borrow 10,000 and your payment is $200.Normally based on the time value of money a part of each payment isinterest. At first a little over half the payment is interest ($100approx.) declining over 7 years of the loan to the last paymentwhere the interest component is $0. The reason that the interestcost declines is that as you make payments the amount borrowedbecomes less making the interest owed less.What if the beginning payments were all interest until all theinterest was paid after which you started paying off the amount youborrowed? At the end of 3 year you have paid off all the interestnow you can start paying of the loan. But what if you now paid offthe loan. You would have paid $6,800 interest plus the original$10,000 loan for a total of $16,800 instead of $4,000 interest(based on the time value of money) plus the original $10.000 or$14,000. You would have paid $2,000 extra.Now the rule of 78’s in not this extreme, but you get theidea.Mortgage lenders who make long-term loans (20-30 years) are moreup-front about it. The charge what are called points up-front,which is really just prepaid interest. Again if you pay off early,you paid too much. They count of this.When we get married we think it will be forever. For car andhouse loans people change their mind every 3 to 5 years. Formarriages it's a little longer. So avoid the rule of 78’s andup-front “points”. Ask for a amortizing loan based on the timevalue of money with 0 points.Double check what the lender tells you. What should the paymentbe vs. what they quote? What is wrong with their numbers? Let seewhat they are really doing. Enter the length of the loan, interestrate, and loan amount and compute what the payment should be. Putin their payment, press % to see what interest they are reallycharging you. This is powerful tool for manipulating the numbers toyour advantage.Buy a house.PV = 300,000% = 3.75N = 30 yearsPress Pmt - to see the required monthly payment.But what if you want a lower payment?Enter the new payment (Pmt)Press % - to see the required interestorPress N - to see the see the required yearsWhat if you want to make the payments yearly, press the"Monthly" button several times to get to "Yearly", the payment willrecalculate.The interest rate (%) and years on loan (N) are alwaysyearly/annual numbers.The Pmt is Yearly, Monthly etc. Depending on the setting.About the author: Having been a real estate broker for 40 years.I have seen all sorts of slimy lending practices. Armed with a toollike this is your best defense again getting robbed..
GPS Camera NotePad 1
David Gray
Photograph an event, record the GPS locationwith a timestamp. The address detection links to the map, add anote and save the image . Perfect to identify people, places andthings. Especially useful for genealogists to record gravesites.
David Gray Project #1
David Gray
Getting a loan? Compute and manipulate thenumbers to your advantage.The interest rate here has a name, it's called the APR (annualpercentage rate), this reflects the real time value of money.Many reputable lenders cheat, they use a method, which prior to1940, was only used by loan sharks, called the rule of 78's.The rule of 78s is different way of calculating interest in eachpayment. This method is called front loading. Meaning you pay moreinterest at the beginning of the loan than the time value of moneywould require. Why is this a rip-off?Here is a thought experiment. If all the first payments areinterest and you payoff the loan early, you will pay the fullamount you borrowed plus interest that never accrued.Here is an example: You borrow 10,000 and your payment is $200.Normally based on the time value of money a part of each payment isinterest. At first a little over half the payment is interest ($100approx.) declining over 7 years of the loan to the last paymentwhere the interest component is $0. The reason that the interestcost declines is that as you make payments the amount borrowedbecomes less making the interest owed less.What if the beginning payments were all interest until all theinterest was paid after which you started paying off the amount youborrowed? At the end of 3 year you have paid off all the interestnow you can start paying of the loan. But what if you now paid offthe loan. You would have paid $6,800 interest plus the original$10,000 loan for a total of $16,800 instead of $4,000 interest(based on the time value of money) plus the original $10.000 or$14,000. You would have paid $2,000 extra.Now the rule of 78’s in not this extreme, but you get theidea.Mortgage lenders who make long-term loans (20-30 years) are moreup-front about it. The charge what are called points up-front,which is really just prepaid interest. Again if you pay off early,you paid too much. They count of this.When we get married we think it will be forever. For car andhouse loans people change their mind every 3 to 5 years. Formarriages it's a little longer. So avoid the rule of 78’s andup-front “points”. Ask for a amortizing loan based on the timevalue of money with 0 points.Double check what the lender tells you. What should the paymentbe vs. what they quote? What is wrong with their numbers? Let seewhat they are really doing. Enter the length of the loan, interestrate, and loan amount and compute what the payment should be. Putin their payment, press % to see what interest they are reallycharging you. This is powerful tool for manipulating the numbers toyour advantage.Buy a house.PV = 300,000% = 3.75N = 30 yearsPress Pmt - to see the required monthly payment.But what if you want a lower payment?Enter the new payment (Pmt)Press % - to see the required interestorPress N - to see the see the required yearsWhat if you want to make the payments yearly, press the"Monthly" button several times to get to "Yearly", the payment willrecalculate.The interest rate (%) and years on loan (N) are alwaysyearly/annual numbers.The Pmt is Yearly, Monthly etc. Depending on the setting.About the author: Having been a real estate broker for 40 years.I have seen all sorts of slimy lending practices. Armed with a toollike this is your best defense again getting robbed.
David Gray Project #4
David Gray
Measurement of the Child Like Age of Adultswith DementiaPersons with dementia regresses. In addition to loss of memory,motor, language and thinking skills they exhibit child likebehavior.If we can measure the adult child age, we can constructappropriate activities. The also gives us a hint as to time left.Five year olds go to kindergarten, and play with other kids theirown age.Often they live completely in the NOW. like in Buddhism beingone with the environment. But, living in fear with sense ofparanoia without awareness of time or location and everything isunfamiliar, even though they have been there many times before.They can't read, write or do arithmetic or even carry on anintelligent conversation. For a 2 year old we want to hug cuddlethem and have stupid disconnected conversations. A 4 year will berebellious want to assert independence. The child age gives a clueas to how to related them as we send them off into the sunset oflive.Note: In the case of Alzheimer's, as the brain becomes filledwith plaque bodily functions decline. We also see this in cancerpatients with Glioma brain tumors having a similar effect.
David Gray Project #12 1
David Gray
Mortality - How long will you live?Based upon your age, determine the number of years you havetolive. And if you are elderly the biggest sellingpharmaceuticalsgiven to the aging population will degrade yourquality of life andwill kill you sooner.Old-Timers vs. Alzheimer'sKeep misplacing your keys, losing memories, thoughtsandwords.Brain cells become DISCONNECTED to cause this dysfunction.Normal cognitive skills will trace a path through your braintofind memories, much like the GPS on your cell phone can findyourdestination.When you can't remember a word because a disconnectionhasdamaged the brain's mapping. You STAMMER SEARCHING for theword.REROUTING is occurring in the cerebral plasma, whichcarriesthought from one part of the brain to another. Messages inBRAINCELLS called neurons are transported in the brain in plasmawhichfires across gaps between connectors, called synapses.Higher-levelcognitive functions take over trying to explore backroads throughmemory to find the lost connections.The average brain weighs about 1350 grams and occupies about1350centimeters of space but as we age SHRINKAGE - probably duetoneuron death and pathway pruning - has occurred.We call this OLD-TIMER'SGet in your car. You draw a BLANK. You can't remember how tomakeit go. Higher-level cognitive skills have deteriorated andthememory paths have become dead-ends.We call this ALZHEIMER'S or more correctly calleddementia.Disconnections KILLWhile we assume these SENIOR MOMENTS are of littleconsequence,these can be symptoms of SOMETHING MORE SERIOUS.For instance a lost signal, a broken neurotransmission cancausea malfunction. Nerve cells die off but unlike normal cells donotreproduce. We are left with the remnants of what we hadatbirth.Maybe a cardio-vascular event gets ignored, a sudden stopofblood supply to part of the brain. You have strokes withouteverknowing it. So-called SILENT STROKES either havenoeasy-to-recognize symptoms, or you don't remember them, but theydocause permanent damage in your brain. You may have slightmemoryproblems or a little difficulty getting around.As we age, these disconnections accumulate. Our bodilysystemsdeteriorate toward the inevitable conclusion if life.We call this DEATHChemically Induced DisconnectionsThe FDA, has done a series of studies relating to a classofdrugs used for patient management called ANTIPSYCHOTICS, andin2005 issued a BLACK BOX WARNING stating that the drugs causeDEATHin ALZHEIMER'S dementia patients and banning its use ondementiapatients. In spite of the warnings, these are the mostpopulardrugs given to the aging population.The drug is a lobotomizing drug causing disconnections toaboutone third of the brain in the frontal lobes leaving behindsoullesszombies indifferent to their own suffering.Of course, dementia is a disruption of brain signals, too, butifyou additionally scramble up the signals to the frontal lobes,youwill accelerate the course of the disease. Bodily functionswilldeteriorate faster and hasten DEATH.The average 80-year-old patient taking the ANTIPSYCHOTICdrugdied in the 3rd year of the trial.Popular Banned Antipsychotic Drugs· (Abilify) Aripiprazole· (Clozaril) Clozapine· (Geodon) Ziprasidone· (Risperdal) Risperidone· (Seroquel) Quetiapine· Symbyax· (Zyprexa) OlanzapineThe FDA, study was related to dementia/Alzheimer’s patients,butthere is a progression. By the time you are ninety years oldyouwill have a 50% chance of developing Alzheimer’s. In FDAstudy,disrupting neurotransmitters to about 1/3 of the brain willcutlife expectancy in half.Because of the disruptions, disconnections, our bodies begintodeteriorate, things don’t work as well as the used to and whilewethink of this a normal aging; beware ofpsychoactivepharmaceuticals because they can accelerate the
David Gray Project #3 1
David Gray
Photograph an event, record the GPSlocationwith a timestamp. The address detection links to the map,add anote and save the image . Perfect to identify people, placesandthings. Especially useful for genealogists to recordgravesites.
David Gray Project #5
David Gray
By the time you reach 75 years old, youwillneed four times as much light as a 20 year old, in order toseesatisfactorilyINCANDESCENT, full spectrum is the most desirable type oflight.It can be achieved with energy efficient “T” series FLORSCENTbulbswith a high color rendering index (CRI) 90-100.For bulb selection1. you need to know the dimensions of the room;2. how BRIGHT you want room lighted as measured in LUX;3. the COLOR of light in KELVIN;4. and the QUALITY of the light measured by the colorrendering(CRI) index.5. select the appropriate bulb and note how many LUMENS of lightitwill produce.Then calculate the number of florescent bulbs with the yourCRIrating as necessary to accomplish the task and withpowerconsumption in mind (WATTS), select the type of fixture.LUX (Lx) BRIGHTNESS IN LUXOne Lux - is one lumen per square meter.3.4 lux - twilight50 lux - living room80 lux - office hallway100 lux - overcast day350-500 lux - office lighting400 lux - sunrise1000 lux - overcast day10,000-25,000 - daylight32,000-130,000 - sunlightKELVIN (K) is the COLOR of the LIGHTcalled COLOR TEMPERATURE3000K – warm white4200K – cool white5000K - daylight2700 K - residential lighting (Incandescent light)3000-3500 K - neutral-white4100 K - cool-white in offices5000-6500 K - blueish-whiteCRI is the QUALITY of the lightcalled the COLOR RENDERING INDEXand is a measure of how well colors can be perceived.100 CRI - incandescent lamp50-100 CRI - fluorescent tubes82-100 CRI - natural color (full spectrum)POWER CONSUMPTIONas measured in Watts. Incandescent lights are full spectrum butareenergy hogs. Florescent lighting is more energy efficient.The high efficiency bulbs are labeled with “T” - T12, T8,T5etc..."T" is the diameter of the tube in the lamp.Typicallynarrower the lamp diameter the more efficient it willbe.T12’s have not bee manufactured since 2012.Seniors - Printed materials are not as clear as before, inpartbecause the lens in your eye becomes less flexible withtime.Changes within the lens in your eye cause light entering theeye tobe scattered rather than focused precisely on the retina,thuscreating more glare. The normally clear lens located insideyoureye may start to discolor making it harder to see anddistinguishbetween certain shades of colors. The tear glands inyour eyes willproduce fewer tears.Increasing the the amount of light, brightness called LUXcanimprove vision.Bright Light Therapy - is used to gradually shift sleepingpatternsto what we consider normal. For treatment, the timing oflightexposure uses a full-spectrum light (90-100 CRI) usually10,000 LUXin intensity, for 30-90 minutes.Blue wavelengths -- boost attention, reaction times, and moodareabout 5000 degrees Kelvin.As published in the The Journal of the American MedicalAssociationresearchers learned that bright light resulted in amodestimprovement in dementia symptoms. Specifically, the use ofbrightdaytime lighting:· Reduced cognitive decline on a mental status exam by arelative5%.· Cut depression symptoms by a relative 19%.· Calmed slow increases in functional limitations by slightlymorethan half (53%).Dementia and Alzheimer's - For these people shadows in adarkenedroom can become something else, often menacing, and canlead toconfusion and depression. A dark rug in a dimly lightedroom beforea door may become a deep well.I installed 800 LUX of light – when I throw the light switch,Ifeel a burst of energy like I am waking up and my mindbecomingclear.
Birth Certificate Decoder 1
David Gray
Birth Certificate DecoderUnited States birth certificate numbers containhiddeninformation. The most obvious of which is the year of birthandState in which the birth occurred. These numbers areunique,meaning that each person has only one number even thoughtheiridentity may change.This has interesting ramifications in the case of adoptions;theadopted child has two birth certificates each withdifferentinformation but the same number.An example of how this can be useful for obtaining theidentityof for adoption search. Lookup up all the children born onacertain day in a location, consult the birth index for anunnamedchild born that day and in that location, match the numberstoreveal the identity of the birth mom.The reverse is actually easier and works for birthparentssearching for their lost child.For Texas I have organized this in my People Finder. SelectTXand Search up all the kids born on May 10, 1967 in TravisCounty,there is unnamed child certificate called “inf-ofcertificate” atthe end. That birth certificate number will matchone of the 15kids born that day. Use my nations wide search to findthe presentday location each of the 15 until finding a match.(Actually clickon each name to age a cross-reference with 100 otherdatabases.)Try it free at DavidGRAYsPeopleFinder.com .
Mortality OldTimers Alzheimers 1
David Gray
Mortality - How long will you live?Based upon your age, determine the number of years you havetolive. And if you are elderly the biggest sellingpharmaceuticalsgiven to the aging population will degrade yourquality of life andwill kill you sooner.Old-Timers vs. Alzheimer'sKeep misplacing your keys, losing memories, thoughtsandwords.Brain cells become DISCONNECTED to cause this dysfunction.Normal cognitive skills will trace a path through your braintofind memories, much like the GPS on your cell phone can findyourdestination.When you can't remember a word because a disconnectionhasdamaged the brain's mapping. You STAMMER SEARCHING for theword.REROUTING is occurring in the cerebral plasma, whichcarriesthought from one part of the brain to another. Messages inBRAINCELLS called neurons are transported in the brain in plasmawhichfires across gaps between connectors, called synapses.Higher-levelcognitive functions take over trying to explore backroads throughmemory to find the lost connections.The average brain weighs about 1350 grams and occupies about1350centimeters of space but as we age SHRINKAGE - probably duetoneuron death and pathway pruning - has occurred.We call this OLD-TIMER'SGet in your car. You draw a BLANK. You can't remember how tomakeit go. Higher-level cognitive skills have deteriorated andthememory paths have become dead-ends.We call this ALZHEIMER'S or more correctly calleddementia.Disconnections KILLWhile we assume these SENIOR MOMENTS are of littleconsequence,these can be symptoms of SOMETHING MORE SERIOUS.For instance a lost signal, a broken neurotransmission cancausea malfunction. Nerve cells die off but unlike normal cells donotreproduce. We are left with the remnants of what we hadatbirth.Maybe a cardio-vascular event gets ignored, a sudden stopofblood supply to part of the brain. You have strokes withouteverknowing it. So-called SILENT STROKES either havenoeasy-to-recognize symptoms, or you don't remember them, but theydocause permanent damage in your brain. You may have slightmemoryproblems or a little difficulty getting around.As we age, these disconnections accumulate. Our bodilysystemsdeteriorate toward the inevitable conclusion if life.We call this DEATHChemically Induced DisconnectionsThe FDA, has done a series of studies relating to a classofdrugs used for patient management called ANTIPSYCHOTICS, andin2005 issued a BLACK BOX WARNING stating that the drugs causeDEATHin ALZHEIMER'S dementia patients and banning its use ondementiapatients. In spite of the warnings, these are the mostpopulardrugs given to the aging population.The drug is a lobotomizing drug causing disconnections toaboutone third of the brain in the frontal lobes leaving behindsoullesszombies indifferent to their own suffering.Of course, dementia is a disruption of brain signals, too, butifyou additionally scramble up the signals to the frontal lobes,youwill accelerate the course of the disease. Bodily functionswilldeteriorate faster and hasten DEATH.The average 80-year-old patient taking the ANTIPSYCHOTICdrugdied in the 3rd year of the trial.Popular Banned Antipsychotic Drugs· (Abilify) Aripiprazole· (Clozaril) Clozapine· (Geodon) Ziprasidone· (Risperdal) Risperidone· (Seroquel) Quetiapine· Symbyax· (Zyprexa) OlanzapineThe FDA, study was related to dementia/Alzheimer’s patients,butthere is a progression. By the time you are ninety years oldyouwill have a 50% chance of developing Alzheimer’s. In FDAstudy,disrupting neurotransmitters to about 1/3 of the brain willcutlife expectancy in half.Because of the disruptions, disconnections, our bodies begintodeteriorate, things don’t work as well as the used to and whilewethink of this a normal aging; beware ofpsychoactivepharmaceuticals because they can accelerate theprocess.
Healthy Color Of Pee 1
David Gray
The pale gold pee color tells us that weneedto drink more water.Take this to the restroom: Urine is a byproduct ofbodilyfunctions. When there is a malfunction it contains clues totheproblem. The color of pee can often be a helpful indicator. Thatiswhy your doctor always wants a sample.Here we display the various different shades of pee andtheirmeaning, encouraging you to drink more water, less water orbeworried.
FinCalc 1
David Gray
Getting a loan? Compute and manipulatethenumbers to your advantage.The interest rate here has a name, it's called the APR(annualpercentage rate), this reflects the real time value ofmoney.Many reputable lenders cheat, they use a method, which priorto1940, was only used by loan sharks, called the rule of 78's.The rule of 78s is different way of calculating interest ineachpayment. This method is called front loading. Meaning you paymoreinterest at the beginning of the loan than the time value ofmoneywould require. Why is this a rip-off?Here is a thought experiment. If all the first paymentsareinterest and you payoff the loan early, you will pay thefullamount you borrowed plus interest that never accrued.Here is an example: You borrow 10,000 and your payment is$200.Normally based on the time value of money a part of eachpayment isinterest. At first a little over half the payment isinterest ($100approx.) declining over 7 years of the loan to thelast paymentwhere the interest component is $0. The reason that theinterestcost declines is that as you make payments the amountborrowedbecomes less making the interest owed less.What if the beginning payments were all interest until alltheinterest was paid after which you started paying off the amountyouborrowed? At the end of 3 year you have paid off all theinterestnow you can start paying of the loan. But what if you nowpaid offthe loan. You would have paid $6,800 interest plus theoriginal$10,000 loan for a total of $16,800 instead of $4,000interest(based on the time value of money) plus the original$10.000 or$14,000. You would have paid $2,000 extra.Now the rule of 78’s in not this extreme, but you gettheidea.Mortgage lenders who make long-term loans (20-30 years) aremoreup-front about it. The charge what are called pointsup-front,which is really just prepaid interest. Again if you payoff early,you paid too much. They count of this.When we get married we think it will be forever. For carandhouse loans people change their mind every 3 to 5 years.Formarriages it's a little longer. So avoid the rule of 78’sandup-front “points”. Ask for a amortizing loan based on thetimevalue of money with 0 points.Double check what the lender tells you. What should thepaymentbe vs. what they quote? What is wrong with their numbers?Let seewhat they are really doing. Enter the length of the loan,interestrate, and loan amount and compute what the payment shouldbe. Putin their payment, press % to see what interest they arereallycharging you. This is powerful tool for manipulating thenumbers toyour advantage.Buy a house.PV = 300,000% = 3.75N = 30 yearsPress Pmt - to see the required monthly payment.But what if you want a lower payment?Enter the new payment (Pmt)Press % - to see the required interestorPress N - to see the see the required yearsWhat if you want to make the payments yearly, press the"Monthly"button several times to get to "Yearly", the paymentwillrecalculate.The interest rate (%) and years on loan (N) arealwaysyearly/annual numbers.The Pmt is Yearly, Monthly etc. Depending on the setting.About the author: Having been a real estate broker for 40years.I have seen all sorts of slimy lending practices. Armed witha toollike this is your best defense again getting robbed.
FinCalc - LIte
David Gray
Getting a loan? Compute and manipulatethenumbers to your advantage.The interest rate here has a name, it's called the APR(annualpercentage rate), this reflects the real time value ofmoney.Many reputable lenders cheat, they use a method, which priorto1940, was only used by loan sharks, called the rule of 78's.The rule of 78s is different way of calculating interest ineachpayment. This method is called front loading. Meaning you paymoreinterest at the beginning of the loan than the time value ofmoneywould require. Why is this a rip-off?Here is a thought experiment. If all the first paymentsareinterest and you payoff the loan early, you will pay thefullamount you borrowed plus interest that never accrued.Here is an example: You borrow 10,000 and your payment is$200.Normally based on the time value of money a part of eachpayment isinterest. At first a little over half the payment isinterest ($100approx.) declining over 7 years of the loan to thelast paymentwhere the interest component is $0. The reason that theinterestcost declines is that as you make payments the amountborrowedbecomes less making the interest owed less.What if the beginning payments were all interest until alltheinterest was paid after which you started paying off the amountyouborrowed? At the end of 3 year you have paid off all theinterestnow you can start paying of the loan. But what if you nowpaid offthe loan. You would have paid $6,800 interest plus theoriginal$10,000 loan for a total of $16,800 instead of $4,000interest(based on the time value of money) plus the original$10.000 or$14,000. You would have paid $2,000 extra.Now the rule of 78’s in not this extreme, but you gettheidea.Mortgage lenders who make long-term loans (20-30 years) aremoreup-front about it. The charge what are called pointsup-front,which is really just prepaid interest. Again if you payoff early,you paid too much. They count of this.When we get married we think it will be forever. For carandhouse loans people change their mind every 3 to 5 years.Formarriages it's a little longer. So avoid the rule of 78’sandup-front “points”. Ask for a amortizing loan based on thetimevalue of money with 0 points.Double check what the lender tells you. What should thepaymentbe vs. what they quote? What is wrong with their numbers?Let seewhat they are really doing. Enter the length of the loan,interestrate, and loan amount and compute what the payment shouldbe. Putin their payment, press % to see what interest they arereallycharging you. This is powerful tool for manipulating thenumbers toyour advantage.Buy a house.PV = 300,000% = 3.75N = 30 yearsPress Pmt - to see the required monthly payment.But what if you want a lower payment?Enter the new payment (Pmt)Press % - to see the required interestorPress N - to see the see the required yearsWhat if you want to make the payments yearly, press the"Monthly"button several times to get to "Yearly", the paymentwillrecalculate.The interest rate (%) and years on loan (N) arealwaysyearly/annual numbers.The Pmt is Yearly, Monthly etc. Depending on the setting.About the author: Having been a real estate broker for 40years.I have seen all sorts of slimy lending practices. Armed witha toollike this is your best defense again getting robbed.
David Gray Project #6 1
David Gray
Healthy Color Of PeeThe pale gold pee color tells us that we need to drinkmorewater.Take this to the restroom: Urine is a byproduct ofbodilyfunctions. When there is a malfunction it contains clues totheproblem. The color of pee can often be a helpful indicator. Thatiswhy your doctor always wants a sample.Here we display the various different shades of pee andtheirmeaning encouraging you to drink more water, less water orbeworried.
Property TAX/Urban Renewal 1
David Gray
AGING THE PROPERTY IS CALLED Depreciation - a means ofmeasuringproperty "wear and tear" thereby reducing the taxablevalue of thehome. The local tax appraiser uses VISUAL inspection tomeasure"wear and tear" instead of using mathematical methodsderived fromGenerally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), whichrevealINVISIBLE age related property deterioration. Don't be fooledwhenproperty tax appraisers talk about %GOOD. That means it looksgoodbut overlooks invisible age related structural "wear andtear".FORMULA: %Depreciation = Age of home / Life expectancy %Good= 100%- %Depreciation When we look-around we might have the OPINIONthatthe average person is 80% GOOD.   When taxmenlook-aroundthey have the OPINION that the average home, ifoccupied, is 80%GOOD, REGARDLESS of age. HEREIN lies the problemthe taxmen use an80% GOOD artificial depreciation cut-off insteadof letting thedepreciation run to conclusion. Older properties arevalued asalmost new. In the application, enter: 1. The age of yourhome 2.The tax departments %GOOD estimate 3. Calculate how longtheyexpect your house to last (life expectancy). --->Then putinyour own estimates and see the difference. LIFE EXPECTANCYshouldbe: SLAB foundation, 50 year life PIER & BEAM (wood), 50to 70year life If it comes out 100 or 200 year life expectancy -you arebeing over taxed!